Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Week Two: Progress and Insights

In the second week of my GSoC project, I've delved deeper into integrating OpenELIS with a FHIR-based open client registry. My primary focus has been on enhancing the user interface and improving the dictionary menu functionalities, as well as understanding the FHIR layer within OpenELIS. Here's a detailed look at my progress and learnings this week.

UI Enhancements and REST Controllers for the Dictionary Menu

This week, I tackled several issues to fully translate the dictionary menu into the new UI and RESTful services. The dictionary menu in OpenELIS is crucial for managing various entities and configurations. Here’s a breakdown of the tasks I completed:

Modification of Dictionary Menu

I successfully implemented the feature for modifying the dictionary menu items. This involved creating a dynamic interface where users can add, edit, and delete dictionary entries seamlessly. The new interface is more intuitive and responsive, making it easier for users to navigate and update the dictionary data.

Search Functionality Implementation

I also worked on the search functionality within the dictionary menu. This feature enables users to quickly find specific dictionary entries using keywords or phrases. By leveraging REST controllers, the search process is now efficient and returns results in real-time, significantly improving user experience.

Understanding the FHIR Layer of OpenELIS

As part of my project, I dedicated time to understanding the FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) layer within OpenELIS. FHIR is essential for standardizing the exchange of healthcare information, and integrating it with OpenELIS is a key goal of this project. Here are some key insights:

Patient-to-FHIR Object Translation

I explored how patients in OpenELIS are translated into FHIR objects. This translation process is critical because it ensures that patient data is formatted and standardized according to FHIR specifications, making it interoperable with other healthcare systems.

Utilizing Existing Functionality for Patient Data Transmission

I studied how to utilize the existing functionality in OpenELIS to send the created patient data to OpenHIM (Open Health Information Mediator) once an event is triggered. This involves understanding the event-driven architecture in OpenELIS and how patient data is packaged and transmitted as a FHIR object to external systems through OpenHIM. This knowledge is pivotal for achieving seamless integration and data exchange between OpenELIS and the FHIR-based client registry.

This week has been immensely productive and insightful, laying a solid foundation for the subsequent phases of my project. I am looking forward to further refining these functionalities and ensuring robust integration between OpenELIS and the FHIR-based client registry.

List of Pull requests i worked on:

Stay tuned for more updates as the project progresses! Thank you for following along on my GSoC journey! Your support and feedback are greatly appreciated.

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