Monday, July 24, 2023

GSoC 2023 at OpenMRS | Coding Period Week 08



Greetings, readers!

Welcome to my blog documenting my incredible journey through the 8th week of Google Summer of Code (GSoC). Over the past weeks, i have had the privilege of working with the OpenMRS community, contributing to the fhir2 module. With each passing week, i have learned and grown as a developer, and the 8th week was no exception. Let's dive into the highlights of the eventful week!


Add Support for Patch Operations on Immunization resource

implemented all patch operations on the Immunization resource i.e Json Merge Patch, Json Patch and Xml Patch. This one needed careful handling since it was being saved as an Obs object.

Add Support for Update and Patch on Observation resource

this was continuation from last week and i had not yet figured out i was losing the functionality of creating a new obsid when patching an observation like it is in updating an obs object. However, i achieved that and it was more to do with the data set i was using for the integration test.

Others include:


The 8th week was a whirlwind of challenges and accomplishments. The support and mentorship from Ian Bacher and Abert Namanya and the entire community has been instrumental in my growth as a developer.

As i reflect on last week's achievements, i am reminded of the power of open-source collaboration and the impact we make by working together. GSoC has been an unforgettable experience, and i am excited to continue contributing to open-source beyond this program.

Thank you for joining me on this incredible journey. Stay tuned for more updates as i embark on the final leg of GSoC, with new challenges and opportunities awaiting.

Until next time!

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